Employee Information


Employee Notice:   Updated April 24th, 2020

RETURN TO WORK: May 4th, 2020


Southport Team:


  1. We are expecting all employees to return to work on Monday May 4, 2020.
  2. A small team has been working to keep a few key items moving forward in anticipation of the May 4 return.
  3. We will be operating with internal social distancing and housekeeping policies which will be outlined on May 4. Some will include:
    • Additional handwashing stations
    • Staggered lunch and morning breaks.
    • Limited access to break room and bathrooms (number of persons limited)
    • We will continue to be closed to outside vendors and customers
    • We will continue to do increased housekeeping and cleaning of high touch and traffic areas
  4. If you have someone at home who is sick with COVID-19, please reach out to us. You should remain at home.
  5. If you have been in close contact with someone outside your home in the last 2 weeks who was confirmed to have COVID-19, please reach out to discuss that situation.
  6. If you have any question, please reach out to George or Ken



George Menezes                207-595-0498              George@southportboats.com

Ken Pierce                          917-209-1786                Ken@southportboats.com